Skating Pantyhose Covers Why A Random Poll.......?

A Random Poll.......? - skating pantyhose covers why

This is a random sample. Once the process finished, all your answers, and one or two sentences. Most creative wins coveted 10 points. Enjoy!

(1) sword, gun or poison?
(2) Spandex. Silk, cotton or flannel?
(3) Burnett, blond, redhead, or bald?
(4) Ferris Buller, Troy Bolton, or Danny Zuko?
(5) laptop, skates, socks or Nerf football?
(6) of gold, silver, diamonds, rubies or copper?
(7) red, purple, green, brown, black, white or yellow?
(8) Cher Horowitz, Sharpay Evans, and Claire Standish?
(9) The moon or the sun?
(10) Beethoven, Morrison, Lauper or Timberlake?


mithu said...

Swords, silk, blonde, Troy Bolton, laptop, red rubies, Claire Standish, Moon, Beethoven.

That day I saw a movie on my laptop, with Troy Bolton, who looked impressive with his sword, studded with red rubies, and Claire Standish, apparently equally attractive blond in her hair and a silk dress. Watching them waltz in the moonlight to the strains of Beethoven's very romantic.

The Gal In The Neon Tutu♥ said...

1) the sword, gun or poison? Poison;] lol?
(2) Spandex. Silk, cotton or flannel? SPANDEX! Cotton lol jk;]
(3) Burnett, blond, redhead, or bald? Brown / Black
(4) Ferris Buller, Troy Bolton, or Danny Zuko? Ferris Buller!
(5) laptop, skates, socks or Nerf football? Laptop!
(6) of gold, silver, diamonds, rubies or copper? Ruby?
(7) red, purple, green, brown, black, white or yellow? White
(8) Cher Horowitz, Sharpay Evans, and Claire Standish? ...
(9) The moon or the sun? The Moon \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, 3
(10) Beethoven, Morrison, Lauper or Timberlake? Timberlake all the way babyy xD

Ami-lee ---- said...

1) the sword, gun or poison? - Poison
(2) Spandex. Silk, cotton or flannel? - Silk
(3) Burnett, blond, redhead, or bald? - Morena
(4) Ferris Buller, Troy Bolton, or Danny Zuko? - Troy
(5) laptop, skates, socks or Nerf football? - Laptop
(6) of gold, silver, diamonds, rubies or copper? - Ruby
(7) red, purple, green, brown, black, white or yellow? - Violet
(8) Cher Horowitz, Sharpay Evans, and Claire Standish? - Cher
(9) The moon or the sun? - Luna
(10) Beethoven, Morrison, Lauper or Timberlake? - Timberlake

Troy and Cher were in love, her eyes shone like jewels in the beautiful moonlit night, Timberlake came in his purple silk costume laptop that runs on them .. "I love my hair brown!" Cried Timberlake stupid. Troy then took poison Timberlake and began to kiss the ground.

Cardinals = Greatness said...

Espada 1)
Silk 2)
3) Brown
4) Ferris Buller
Laptop 5)
6) Gold
7) Red
8) Sharpay Evans
9) the moon
10) Morrison

Once when I was on the moon, Sharpay Evans, I killed with the sword. Interestingly, it was Jim Morrison with a red shirt and a gold necklace. He gave me a silk-covered notebooks and a copy of the day Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Katie J said...

1. Poison
2. Silk
3. Burnett
4. Troy Bolton
5. Nerf Football
6. Diamonds
7. purple!
8. Sharpay Evans
9. Sun
10. Timberlake

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